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Automobile Industry Jobs in Oman

Automobile Industry Jobs in Oman

Automobile Industry Jobs in Oman


  1. Sales Executive / Assistance (Rental Cars services) 
  2. Sales Engineer (Automobile Product) 
  3. Petrol Mechanic 
  4. Diesel Mechanic  
  5. Auto Dentor
  6. Auto Painter
  7. Auto Electrician 

Mail CV to [email protected] | Call: 9321012818 / 9372362224 

How to Apply: Read the job description thoroughly. If the requirements fit your profile, apply by emailing your resume / CV and  document to the email address listed on the job advertisement or job description. You can also give them a call at the address provided.

If you have any friends, relatives, colleagues or acquaintances who will be matching the below profile, we request you to please share these details to them.

Read the ad to know more about the vacancies and the qualifications / Experience reqd. | Read the Ad carefully before you apply

Disclaimer: No part of the recruitment process was handled directly by our team. We will do all in our power to only present you with Real Jobs, but before you accept a job offer or give a recruiter any money, please do some research on them.